It’s a proper noun: capital M. Small y. Followed by a big “Why?” – and then, a big sigh.
This poor derelict of a day has earned its rep as some kind of apocalypse starting-block that has brought many a C.E.O, artist, billionaire, full time mom and/or student to a foetal position of fear and loathing.
COVID or no COVID, Monday is still the first day of the work week, the lockdown week, the school week and the (online) gym week, and finds us anticipating its largeness, busyness and stress-ness.
But what if it didn’t. What if Monday was a different kind of day?
The day you let the steam from your morning shower settle on the surface of your skin, for just a little longer; or maybe it’s the day you popped open the lid of your favourite, freshly ground Arabica coffee, and let the aroma energise your senses.
What if Monday saw you stopping to look at an oak tree in the sunlight, somewhere on the corner of 5th and 7th Avenue during your run; or re-reading old love letters or emails or texts that remind you of what it means to be appreciated.
What if we learnt to celebrate Monday like a Friday, and not wait until lockdown is over to bring out the fine bone China? What if we learnt to dance in our lounge, any day, and not hang on for months-slash-years even until we can dance once again at a wedding or a barmie?
When it comes to celebrating life, no matter the struggle, there is always a reason to explode the little moments and the random moments. Not just the big moments. Because these little life victories don’t always come with a DJ, a caterer or an event planner. They come with love, and a conscious celebrator attitude.
Like wearing your good shoes in the house, or treating yourself to homemade birthday cake when it’s not even your birthday. Yasss Please!
At F.L.E we believe in the little things, and we believe in celebrating the every day. Because every day is a life event in our books. And if it sparks joy – then dammit, it should be celebrated.
Incidentally, my daughter Edden Olivia Fuhr, was born on 23 Sept 2019, on a Monday.
Celebrating Life, still

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